Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I'm probably going to get a lot of heat for this but I firmly stand by my own values and beliefs. While I think Facebook may be a good place to meet up with friends and share common experiences and learn about your friends, I also think Facebook can never replace face to face interaction because it takes away that spiritual (the non-verbal communication and emotional interaction) aspect of communication. And I think environments like Facebook carries a risk of someone learning something about you that you want to keep private or want to keep to yourself. And not to mention becoming a possible victim of an internet predator. For me, if people really want to get to know me, we can do coffee (perferably Starbucks) or something. And that's all I have to say about that!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Z953 is gone - AHHHH!!

After so many years, the Vancouver radio station Z953 is off the air all of a sudden! I can't believe it. In addition to the great variety of music they played, it was so upbeat and broad enough so that audiences with different tastes listened also. DOES ANYONE OUT THERE KNOW WHY IT'S GONE????