Tuesday, November 08, 2005

NRSG - Effective Groups/Teams

We have all worked in group or teams for one purpose or another. For a school project. In a workplace setting where a problem has arisen which has created a need for change. As a member of a sports team trying to create strategies to win. Despite the fact that each individual is unique and possess their own strengths that contribute to effective groups or teams, some similarities do exist. Perhaps it's ambition or a vision of a common goal? What do you think are some individual characteristics that help to make a group or team effective, productive, or successful?

Friday, November 04, 2005

INTRO - Thank you for visiting my Blog!!

Thank you for visiting my Eureka! Blog. Please feel free to contribute any kind of feedback to make it bigger or better. I will read them with an open mind and try my best to utilize them constructively.

INTRO - Welcome to my Blog!!

My initial motivation to create Eureka! Blog is for a school project but it is my hope that it will continue to provide an opportunity for anyone and everyone to contribute new and interesting ideas so that I or anyone else visiting my Blog can learn something new. I have only one request for anyone contributing to my Blog. Please feel free to submit any kind of ideas, feedback, opinions, or responses. Anything that is posted here is intended to make people think and question in new ways and NOT to attack anyone or anything. I look forward to learning new things from you!!