Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sanjaya Phenomenon

So Sanjaya is finally voted off. Now, I know some of you feel that he wasn't the best singer to say the least but I think he showed a lot of courage and determination up until now. I agree that he probably would not have become the idol in the end (in his current state anyways) but with some professional training and practice, I think he would have gone somewhere. I just think that all of the attention he has been receiving during the past few weeks imply Sanjaya is a horrible singer which I don't think is true. But they say there is no such thing as bad publicity right?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Canucks Win!!

I certainly admire the enthusiasm of Canuck's fans and I would probably behave in a similar way if the Blue Jays won the world series again. I hate to ruin everyone's excietment and celebrations but all that honking and other various distractions on the roads must present quite a challenge for new and unexperienced drivers. It would be very unfortunate if they had to cheer for the Canucks from a hospital bed. I hope all drivers take extra precautions on the roads during these happy times so that everyone is able to continue cheering for the Canucks as they journey towards the big Stanley Cup!!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

To all baseball fans!!!!

I am a huge baseball fan ever since the Blue Jays won back to back world series in 1992 and 1993. Now I understand what hardcore fans find so appealing about this wonderful game despite its more business aspects of it. I am however dismayed not more of my friends are fans of the game. Why do you hate the game? Or why do you love the game? I think one thing is for sure, most people are familiar with the New York Yankees (or at least their logo).